Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Payton had an adventure last night. About 1 0' clock he comes stumbling upstairs. He tells me he's fallen off his bunkbed. He tells me his arm is hurt...I lay him down on the couch and tell him I'll be back with a blanket. I went to wipe his tears before I went and noticed in the darkness that his eyebrow was black... "oh great, it's blood!" I called for reinforcement and two seconds later Mark says, "We gotta go." So, Molly (our so sweet sister-in-law) came up and off we went.
On the way to the ER, Payton let us know he woke up and was getting out of bed to check what time it was. If it was in the "5's, 6's, or 7's" he was going to stay up and play. Me: "5's?!!! - go back to bed!" He obviously takes bing a morning person to the extreme. Anyhow, he didn't realize how close to the edge he was when he rolled over, fell and cracked his head on Jono's nightstand.
He was a brave dude and was pretty calm through the whole ordeal, minus the shots. But a minute worth of shots in an open head wound would get anybody ornery. He yelled, "You're touching my brain!!!" Which is probably what it felt like :) After he was well assured he was numb he lay perfectly still for his 6 inside & 10 outside stitches. 2 hours after it began, he was resting on the couch, doped up on Loritab, looking forward to his vacation from school and promised sports cards.
Battle wounds are part of growing up. He's got his first good scar comin' on, but hopefully he'll leave his face alone from here on out!


Heidi said...

Yikes! That looks super duper ouchy! Tell Payt we hope he feels better soon! I have tons of cute pictures from Spring Break. I need to send you a DVD :)(check our blog if you haven't yet)

rsmission08 said...

Pa;yton, Sorry but things happen. When you wake up and it's dark outside stay put until you see some light. Just a little advise from a very old man. Hang in there and enjoy those cards. Love Granpa Larsen

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! Poor guy! He's tough- I can't imagine what that's like to gets shots right there- I'm glad he's okay, I can't believe how much older he looks!

Linda Ogden said...

Payt -- I felt so bad for you even before seeing the pictures! Hope your head is healing up and the swelling is going down -- just be careful for a while, OK?

Heidi said...

Mel -- tell your mom that Grandma Ogden works for us. We knew who it was :) It was fun to have a comment from her on our blog (and I tried to find an email address but didn't have one). We miss ALL of you -- including the extended fam :)

Laur said...

Wow, poor kid!!! That brings back memories! Race and Payton will have scars in the EXACT same spot now! I hope he heals quickly. And what a trooper to smile at the hospital. Just remember, chicks dig scars! (Although, that may not be any comfort to him now.) ;)